Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Cody's first debate tournament!

My son woke up that morning at 5:00 to meet the bus at 6:00. He was sooooo not excited about his first debate. He was SCARED to death! Of course he says he wasn't scared, just "tired". He wasn't ever going to take "this stupid class again!" He had only learned 7 hours before that he had to "fill in" for another student for a dual debate about "nuclear energy" (what is that anyway?) with one of his best friends. I think Cody was a little less than excited about that. He had prepared for his "real" entry of Humerous Interpretation of James Bond. :) I mean where else can you mix James Bond and nuclear energy?

He took fourth (out of 40) in his interpreatation of James....and took FIRST in his debate about nuclear energy. His partner, Gabe, was the one that carried them. Cod said he was merely playing a "supportive role, cause Gabe had it under control!" WE were impressed anyway! :~)

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